


Ingrid Sweeney,合规经理




由:Ingrid Sweeney,合规经理

我喜欢饼干。我喜欢给我的家人做,也喜欢把它们送给家人和朋友。我喜欢闻它们的味道,我甚至喜欢有制作它们的工具——坚固的饼干纸和羊皮纸,以确保我的饼干烤得完美。好的食材对我来说是必不可少的,不能在质量上偷工减料。以前,我甚至吃过美味的生曲奇面团,当然,这是一个坏主意,现在了解了沙门氏菌污染和食物中毒的风险。说真的,我不想要这些!有些朋友说,“哦,这些饼干太好吃了,”你应该把它们卖了!你应该做很多饼干,然后在网上卖!人们会喜欢的。你可以大量生产这些东西,赚得盆满钵满。 You could ship them all over the country! " While I always welcome these kind words and accolades, I often have questions about the reality of such a dream. I often ponder questions such as Could this work? That would be so awesome! But how? Could I get some assistance and have my cookies made and shipped to cookie lovers everywhere? Whom could I trust to get it right? How do I know that they are using suitable equipment and good ingredients? How will I know that the batter is handled correctly? What about contamination? Will they keep their kitchen clean? Will they follow my recipe and packaging instructions? Whom can I trust? Of course, the simple answer to that last question is a co-packer. Why? Co-packers are set up to handle these challenges. They can help your vision become a reality. They can mass-produce and save you lots of time. And most importantly, they can help you keep your products and customers safe. But, not all co-packers are the same. When it comes to safety, some are better than others. So, how do you choose a safe contract packaging company? While Industrial Packaging may or may not be the right contract packaging company for your business, we can help you understand how to choose a safe co-packer. In this article, we will walk you through the required steps to choose a safe contract packaging company.



由:Ingrid Sweeney,合规经理

你感到沮丧吗?也许你很不安?你们在包装线上看到的次品和包装数量之多令人无法接受。爱游戏体育最新下载爱游戏体育客服平台我敢打赌,你读这篇文章是因为你在寻找两件事中的一件。第一,减少包装生产线上不良产品的方法。爱游戏体育最新下载爱游戏体育客服平台第二,如何外包你的包装生产线。爱游戏体育最新下载许多公司最终将他们的供应链外包给合同包装公司。爱游戏体育最新下载他们这样做是为了专注于自己的核心能力。您是否正在寻找可以帮助您减少缺陷的合同包装合作伙伴?爱游戏体育最新下载你想让别人帮你处理供应链管理的事情吗? Industrial Packaging may or may not be the right partner for you. We have been helping companies of all sizes, even Fortune 500 clients, reduce defects for a while now. And, we can help you to do the same if you’re interested in exploring outsourcing versus trying to negate defects yourself. In this article, we will explain how a contract packaging partner can help you to reduce and prevent defects, which will result in happier customers.



由:Ingrid Sweeney,合规经理

2020年与以往不同。谁能想到我们的世界会因为新冠肺炎而发生翻天覆地的变化?这是超现实的,每晚的新闻报道包括全世界的死亡人数,医院挤满了病人,甚至修建了临时停尸房来帮助管理危机。全球大流行。这几乎是不可想象的;黑天鹅。“黑天鹅”是著名散文家纳西姆•尼古拉斯•塔勒布(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)提出的名词。根据塔勒布的说法,“黑天鹅是一种无法预测的事件,超出了通常预期的情况,并有潜在的严重后果。”护士和医生很快成为我们的英雄。人们被要求呆在家里。 Schools were closed, grocery store shelves emptied, and people began to hoard paper towels, sanitizers, and even toilet paper. Essential workers were asked to step up. Many businesses started to suffer. Would they be able to meet their customers' demands, would their supply chain stay intact, and would they be able to keep their employees safe? Would they be able to navigate through this rare and unforeseen event gracefully? In this article, we will use a story of our own experience here at Industrial Packaging in dealing with a black swan event in our facility and provide you with actionable items that will allow you to do the same, should you find yourself in a similar position.



由:Ingrid Sweeney,合规经理
